Turning the page. Swiping the screen on your phone or tablet.
Such common gestures, ones that you’ve done for a long while, repeated so often, and most likely, been so busy with the story of the moment that you hardly notice them.
As physical metaphors for moving forward, these simple actions signify letting go, forging ahead, and starting anew. Easier said than done in everyday life, isn’t it?
Experience a transformative online course that offers a way forward, an embodied antidote to whatever holds you back, keeping you from responding to what’s happening in the present moment and stopping you from forging ahead. Taking these emblematic gestures as the starting point, the instructor — Larry Goldfarb, distinguished Feldenkrais teacher and trainer — guides you to a new way of knowing yourself and embodying what you’re capable of.
Through gentle movement explorations and guided awareness practices, you will have the chance:
Disentangle from the past: Unravel the physical habits and emotional patterns that keep returning.
Realize new possibilities: Discover sensory blindspots and uncover your hidden potential for enjoyable, effective action.
Develop strength and dexterity: Revitalize the deep and powerful linkage from your hands to your center.
Embody lightness and ease: Unwind muscular tension and connect your hands to your core to experience grace and fluidity.
- Take the benefits with you: Find practical ways to bring what you learn into your life.
The program is suitable for all levels, from beginners to experienced Feldenkrais teachers. The lessons will be done lying on your back and side as well as sitting on the floor or in a chair. No prior Feldenkrais experience is required.
(Please contact us before signing up if you are extraordinarily hypermobile, dealing with a recent injury, or recovering from surgery.)
Engage in interactive online sessions that feel like a live class. Choose your preferred way to join us as we turn the page and embark on a journey of embodied renewal:
Saturday, 15 February
8:30 AM to 1:00 PM US Pacific time -
Limited series - Tuesday
Tuesdays, 11, 18 & 25 March
5:00 to 6:30 PM US Pacific time -
Limited series - Wednesday
Wednesdays, 12, 19 & 26 March
9:00 to 10:30 AM US Pacific time
Please note that Larry will be teaching more or less the same lessons because he will adapt the curriculum to the needs of the participants. He will also make time to answer your questions.
Your $97 tuition includes participation in any or all classes, audio recordings of at least one version of each lesson, and its transcript. The recordings will be available to stream or download (along with the digital documents) on the Mind in Motion Online website.
Enroll before the end of January to save $20.